Continuous Integration

Software Process Engineering

Danilo Pianini —

Compiled on: 2025-02-18 — printable version


Continuous Integration

The practice of integrating code with a main development line continuously
Verifying that the build remains intact

  • Requires build automation to be in place
  • Requires testing to be in place
  • Pivot point of the DevOps practices
  • Historically introduced by the extreme programming (XP) community
  • Now widespread in the larger DevOps community

Traditional integration


The Integration Hell

  • Traditional software development takes several months for “integrating” a couple of years of development
  • The longer there is no integrated project, the higher the risk

Continuous integration


Microreleases and protoduction

  • High frequency integration may lead to high frequency releases
    • Possibly, one per commit
    • Of course, versioning must be appropriate…

Traditionally, protoduction is jargon for a prototype that ends up in production

  • Traditionally used with a negative meaning
    • It implied software
      • unfinished,
      • unpolished,
      • badly designed
    • Very common, unfortunately
  • This si different in a continuously integrated environment
    • Incrementality is fostered
    • Partial features are up to date with the mainline

Intensive operations should be elsewhere

  • The build process should be rich and fast
  • Operations requiring a long time should be automated
    • And run somewhere else than devs’ PCs

Continuous integration software

Software that promotes CI practices should:

  • Provide clean environments for compilation/testing
  • Provide a wide range of environments
    • Matching the relevant specifications of the actual targets
  • High degree of configurability
  • Possibly, declarative configuration
  • A notification system to alert about failures or issues
  • Support for authentication and deployment to external services

Plenty of integrators on the market

Circle CI, Travis CI, Werker,, Codefresh, Codeship, Bitbucket Pipelines, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD Pipelines, JetBrains TeamCity…

Core concepts

Naming and organization is variable across platforms, but in general:

  • One or more pipelines can be associated to events
    • For instance, a new commit, an update to a pull request, or a timeout
  • Every pipeline is composed of a sequence of operations
  • Every operation could be composed of sequential or parallel sub-operations
  • How many hierarchical levels are available depends on the specific platform
    • GitHub Actions: workflow $\Rightarrow$ job $\Rightarrow$ step
    • Travis CI: build $\Rightarrow$ stage $\Rightarrow$ job $\Rightarrow$ phase
  • Execution happens in a fresh system (virtual machine or container)
    • Often containers inside virtual machines
    • The specific point of the hierarchy at which the VM/container is spawned depends on the CI platform

Pipeline design

In essence, designing a CI system is designing a software construction, verification, and delivery pipeline with the abstractions provided by the selected provider.

  1. Think of all the operations required starting from one or more blank VMs
    • OS configuration
    • Software installation
    • Project checkout
    • Compilation
    • Testing
    • Secrets configuration
    • Delivery
  2. Organize them in a dependency graph
  3. Model the graph with the provided CI tooling

Configuration can grow complex, and is usually stored in a YAML file
(but there are exceptions, JetBrains TeamCity uses a Kotlin DSL).

GitHub Actions: Structure

  • Workflows react to events, launching jobs
    • Multiple workflows run in parallel, unless explicitly restricted
  • Jobs of the same workflow run a sequence of steps
    • Multiple jobs run in parallel, unless a dependency among them is explicitly declared
    • Concurrency limits can be imposed across workflows
    • They can communicate via outputs
  • Steps of the same job run sequentially
    • They can communicate via outputs

GitHub Actions: Configuration

Workflows are configured in YAML files located in the default branch of the repository in the .github/workflows folder.

One configuration file $\Rightarrow$ one workflow

For security reasons, workflows may need to be manually activated in the Actions tab of the GitHub web interface.

GitHub Actions: Runners

Executors of GitHub actions are called runners: virtual machines (hosted by GitHub) with the GitHub Actions runner application installed.

Note: the GitHub Actions application is open source and can be installed locally, creating “self-hosted runners”. Self-hosted and GitHub-hosted runners can work together.

Upon their creation, runners have a default environment, which depends on their operating system

Convention over configuration

Several CI systems inherit the “convention over configuration” principle.

For instance, by default (with an empty configuration file) Travis CI builds a Ruby project using rake.

GitHub actions does not adhere to the principle: if left unconfigured, the runner does nothing (it does not even clone the repository locally).

Probable reason: Actions is an all-round repository automation system for GitHub, not just a “plain” CI/CD pipeline

$\Rightarrow$ It can react to many different events, not just changes to the git repository history

GHA: basic workflow structure

Minimal, simplified workflow structure:

# Mandatory workflow name
name: Workflow Name
on: # Events that trigger the workflow
jobs: # Jobs composing the workflow, each one will run on a different runner
    Job-Name: # Every job must be named
        # The type of runner executing the job, usually the OS
        runs-on: runner-name
        steps: # A list of commands, or "actions"
            - # first step
            - # second step
    Another-Job: # This one runs in parallel with Job-Name
        runs-on: '...'
        steps: [ ... ]


We discussed that automation / integration pipelines are part of the software

  • They are subject to the same (or even higher) quality standards
  • All the good engineering principles apply!

YAML is often used by CI integrators as preferred configuration language as it enables some form of DRY:

  1. Anchors (& / *)
  2. Merge keys (<<:)
hey: &ref
  look: at
  me: [ "I'm", 'dancing' ]
  foo: *ref
  <<: *ref
  look: to

Same as:

hey: { look: at, me: [ "I'm", 'dancing' ] }
merged: { foo: { look: at, me: [ "I'm", 'dancing' ] }, look: to, me: [ "I'm", 'dancing' ] }

GitHub Actions’ actions

GHA’s YAML parser does not support standard YAML anchors and merge keys

GHA achieves reuse via:

  • actions”: reusable parameterizable steps
    • JavaScript (working on any OS)
    • Docker container-based (linux only)
    • Composite (assemblage of other actions)
  • reusable workflows”: reusable and parameterizable jobs

Many actions are provided by GitHub directly, and many are developed by the community.

Workflow minimal example

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: Example workflow

# Controls when the workflow will run
    tags: '*'
    branches-ignore: # Pushes on these branches won't start a build
      - 'autodelivery**'
      - 'bump-**'
      - 'renovate/**'
    paths-ignore: # Pushes that change only these file won't start the workflow
      - ''
      - ''
      - 'LICENSE'
    branches: # Only pull requests based on these branches will start the workflow
      - master
  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab

Workflow minimal example

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
  # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
    # The type of runner that the job will run on
    runs-on: macos-latest
    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
      - uses: actions/checkout@85e6279cec87321a52edac9c87bce653a07cf6c2
      # Runs a single command using the runners shell
      - name: Run a one-line script
        run: echo Hello from a ${{ runner.os }} machine!
      # Runs a set of commands using the runners shell
      - name: Run a multi-line script
        run: |
          echo Add other actions to build,
          echo test, and deploy your project.

Workflow minimal example

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - run: echo "🎉 The job was automatically triggered by a ${{ github.event_name }} event."
      - run: echo "🐧 This job is now running on a ${{ runner.os }} server hosted by GitHub!"
      - run: echo "🔎 The name of your branch is ${{ github.ref }} and your repository is ${{ github.repository }}."
      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - run: echo "💡 The ${{ github.repository }} repository has been cloned to the runner."
      - run: echo "🖥️ The workflow is now ready to test your code on the runner."
      - name: List files in the repository
        run: ls ${{ github.workspace }}
      - run: echo "🍏 This job's status is ${{ job.status }}."
      # Steps can be executed conditionally
      - name: Skipped conditional step
        if: runner.os == 'Windows'
        run: echo this step won't run, it has been excluded!
      - run: |
          echo This is
          echo a multi-line
          echo script.

Workflow minimal example

    runs-on: windows-latest
    # Jobs may require other jobs
    needs: [ Default-Example, Explore-GitHub-Actions ]
    # Typically, steps that follow failed steps won't execute.
    # However, this behavior can be changed by using the built-in function "always()"
    if: always()
      - name: Run something on powershell
        run: echo By default, ${{ runner.os }} runners execute with powershell
      - name: Run something on bash
        shell: bash
        run: echo However, it is allowed to force the shell type and there is a bash available for ${{ runner.os }} too.

GHA expressions

GitHub Actions allows expressions to be included in the workflow file

  • Syntax: ${{ <expression> }}
  • Special rule: if: conditionals are automatically evaluated as expressions, so ${{ }} is unnecessary
    • if: <expression> works just fine

The language is rather limited, and documented at

GHA Expressions Types

Type Literal Number coercion String coercion
Null null 0 ''
Boolean true or false true: 1, false: 0 'true' or 'false'
String '...' (mandatorily single quoted) Javascript’s parseInt, with the exception that '' is 0 none
JSON Array unavailable NaN error
JSON Object unavailable NaN error

Arrays and objects exist and can be manipulated, but cannot be created

GHA Expressions Operators

  • Grouping with ( )
  • Array access by index with [ ]
  • Object deference with .
  • Logic operators: not !, and &&, or ||
  • Comparison operators: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=

GHA Expressions Functions

Functions cannot be defined. Some are built-in, their expressivity is limited. They are documented at

Job status check functions

  • success(): true if none of the previous steps failed
    • By default, every step has an implicit if: success() conditional
  • always(): always true, causes the step evaluation even if previous failed, but supports combinations
    • always() && <expression returning false> evaluates the expression and does not run the step
  • cancelled(): true if the workflow execution has been canceled
  • failure(): true if a previous step of any previous job has failed

The GHA context

The expression can refer to some objects provided by the context. They are documented at

Some of the most useful are the following

  • github: information on the workflow context
    • .event_name: the event that triggered the workflow
    • .repository: repository name
    • .ref: branch or tag that triggered the workflow
      • e.g., refs/heads/<branch> refs/tags/<tag>
  • env: access to the environment variables
  • steps: access to previous step information
    • .<step id>.outputs.<output name>: information exchange between steps
  • runner:
    • .os: the operating system
  • secrets: access to secret variables (in a moment…)
  • matrix: access to the build matrix variables (in a moment…)

Checking out the repository

By default, GitHub actions’ runners do not check out the repository

  • Actions may not need to access the code
    • e.g., Actions automating issues, projects

It is a common and non-trivial operation (the checked out version must be the version originating the workflow), thus GitHub provides an action:

      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

Since actions typically do not need the entire history of the project, by default the action checks out only the commit that originated the workflow (--depth=1 when cloning)

  • Shallow cloning has better performance
  • $\Rightarrow$ It may break operations that rely on the entire history!
    • e.g., the git-sensitive semantic versioning system

Also, tags don’t get checked out

Checking out the whole history

    - name: Checkout with default token
      uses: actions/checkout@v4.2.2
      if: inputs.token == ''
        fetch-depth: 0
        submodules: recursive
    - name: Fetch tags
      shell: bash
      run: git fetch --tags -f

(code from a custom action, ignore the if)

  • Check out the repo with the maximum depth
  • Recursively check out all submodules
  • Checkout all tags

Writing outputs

Communication with the runner happens via workflow commands
The simplest way to send commands is to print on standard output a message in the form:
::workflow-command parameter1={data},parameter2={data}::{command value}

In particular, actions can set outputs by printing:
::set-output name={name}::{value} deprecated in favor of:
echo "{name}={value}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: danysk/action-checkout@0.2.22
      - id: branch-name # Custom id
        uses: tj-actions/branch-names@v8
      - id: output-from-shell
        run: ruby -e 'puts "dice=#{rand(1..6)}"' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
      - run: |
          echo "The dice roll resulted in number ${{ steps.output-from-shell.outputs.dice }}"
          if ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.is_tag }} ; then
            echo "This is tag ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.tag }}"
            echo "This is branch ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.current_branch }}"
            echo "Is this branch the default one? ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.is_default }}"

Build matrix

Most software products are meant to be portable

  • Across operating systems
  • Across different frameworks and languages
  • Across runtime configuration

A good continuous integration pipeline should test all the supported combinations

  • or a sample, if the performance is otherwise unbearable

The solution is the adoption of a build matrix

  • Build variables and their allowed values are specified
  • The CI integrator generates the cartesian product of the variable values, and launches a build for each!
  • Note: there is no built-in feature to exclude some combination
    • It must be done manually using if conditionals

Build matrix in GHA

        os: [windows, macos, ubuntu]
        jvm_version: [8, 11, 15, 16] # Arbitrarily-made and arbitrarily-valued variables
        ruby_version: [2.7, 3.0]
        python_version: [3.7, 3.9.12]
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}-latest ## The string is computed interpolating a variable value
      - uses: actions/setup-java@v4
          distribution: 'adopt'
          java-version: ${{ matrix.jvm_version }} # "${{ }}" contents are interpreted by the github actions runner
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: ${{ matrix.python_version }} 
      - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
          ruby-version: ${{ matrix.ruby_version }}
      - shell: bash
        run: java -version
      - shell: bash
        run: ruby --version
      - shell: bash
        run: python --version

Private data and continuous integration

We would like the CI to be able to

  • Sign our artifacts
  • Delivery/Deploy our artifacts on remote targets

Both operations require private information to be shared

Of course, private data can’t be shared

  • Attackers may steal the identity
  • Attackers may compromise deployments
  • In case of open projects, attackers may exploit pull requests!
    • Fork your project (which has e.g. a secret environment variable)
    • Print the value of the secret (e.g. with printenv)

How to share a secret with the build environment?


Secrets can be stored in GitHub at the repository or organization level.

GitHub Actions can access these secrets from the context:

  • Using the secrets.<secret name> context object
  • Access is allowed only for workflows generated by local events
    • Namely, no secrets for pull requests

Secrets can be added from the web interface (for mice lovers), or via the GitHub API.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'octokit'
require 'rbnacl'
repo_slug, name, value = ARGV
client = => 'access_token_from_github')
pubkey = client.get_public_key(repo_slug)
key = Base64.decode64(pubkey.key)
sodium_box = RbNaCl::Boxes::Sealed.from_public_key(key)
encrypted_value = Base64.strict_encode64(sodium_box.encrypt(value))
payload = { 'key_id' => pubkey.key_id, 'encrypted_value' => encrypted_value }
client.create_or_update_secret(repo_slug, name, payload)

In-memory signatures

Signing in CI is easier if the key can be stored in memory
the alternative is to install a private key in the runner

To do so we need to:

  1. Find a way to write our key in memory
  2. Export it safely into the CI environment (via a secret)
  3. Configure the build system to use the key in-memory when a CI environment is detected

Step 1: exporting GPG private keys

gpg --armor --export-secret-key <key id>

Exports a base64-encoded version of your binary key, with a header and a footer.



Note: armoring is not encryption

  • it is meant for readability and processing with text-based tools

Step 2: export the key as a CI secret

  • In most CI systems, secrets allow enough space for an armored GPG private keys to fit in

    • It is the case for GHA
  • In this case, just export the armored version as a secret

  • Otherwise:

    • Encrypt your secret with a (much shorter) symmetric key into a file
    • Store the key as a secret (it will fit as it is much smaller than an asymmetric key)
    • Track the encrypted file in your repo
    • Before signing (and only if needed), unencrypt the file and load it in-memory
      • then delete the unencrypted version
      • you want to reduce the probability that the file gets delivered…

Step 3: tell the build system to use in-memory keys when in CI

How to tell if you are in CI or not?

  • The CI environment variable is automatically set to "true" on most CI environments
    • Including GitHub Actions

In Gradle

if (System.getenv("CI") == true.toString()) {
    signing {
        val signingKey: String? by project
        val signingPassword: String? by project
        useInMemoryPgpKeys(signingKey, signingPassword)
  • The signingKey and signingPassword properties must get passed to Gradle
    • One way is to pass them on the command line:
      • ./gradlew -PsignigngKey=... -PsigningPassword=... <tasks>
    • Alternatively, they can be stored into environment variables
      • Gradle auto-imports properties named ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_<variableName>
      • So, in GitHub actions:
    ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_signingKey: ${{ secrets.SIGNING_KEY }}
    ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_signingPassword: ${{ secrets.SIGNING_PASSWORD }}

DRY with GitHub Actions

Imperative behaviour in GitHub Actions is encapsulated into actions

Actions are executed as a single logical step, with inputs and outputs

Their metadata is written in a actions.yml file on the repository root

GitHub actions stored on GitHub are usable without further deployment steps

  • By using owner/repo@<tree-ish> as reference

GitHub Actions’ metadata

name: 'A string with the action name'
description: 'A long description explaining what the action does'
  input-name:  # id of input
    description: 'Input description'
    required: true # whether it should be mandatorily specified
    default: 'default value' # Default value, if not specified by the caller
  # Outputs will be set by the action when running
  output-name: # id of output
    description: 'Description of the output'
runs: # Content depends on the action type

Composite actions: structure

Composite actions allow the execution of multiple steps that can be scripts or other actions.

    using: composite
    steps: [ <list of steps> ]

Composite actions: example

The action is contained in its metadata descriptor action.ymlroot, e.g.:

name: 'Checkout the whole repository'
description: 'Checkout all commits, all tags, and initialize all submodules.'
    description: The token to use when checking out the repository
    required: false
    default: ''

  using: "composite"
    - name: Checkout with custom token
      uses: actions/checkout@v4.2.2
      if: inputs.token != ''
        fetch-depth: 0
        submodules: recursive
        token: ${{ inputs.token }}
    - name: Checkout with default token
      uses: actions/checkout@v4.2.2
      if: inputs.token == ''
        fetch-depth: 0
        submodules: recursive
    - name: Fetch tags
      shell: bash
      run: git fetch --tags -f


Composite actions: usage

It can be used with:

      # Checkout the repository
      - name: Checkout
        uses: danysk/action-checkout@0.2.22

Composite actions: limitations

  • No support for secrets, they must be passed as inputs

For instance this way:

name: 'Composite action with a secret'
description: 'For teaching purposes'
  token:  # github token
    description: 'Github token for deployment. Skips deployment otherwise.'
    required: true
  using: "composite"
    - run: '[[ -n "${{ inputs.token }}" ]] || false'
      name: Fail if the toke is unset

Docker container actions

Wait, what is a container?

  • We might need to deviate for a moment: » click here! «

How to

  • Configure the Dockerfile of the container you want to use
  • Prepare the main script and declare it as ENTRYPOINT
  • Define inputs and outputs in action.yml
  • In the runs section set using: docker and the arguments order
    • The order is relevant, they will be passed to the entrypoint script in order
  using: 'docker'
  image: 'Dockerfile' # Alternatively, the name of an existing image
    - ${{ inputs.some-input-name }}
  • Docker container actions work only on Linux

JavaScript actions

The most flexible way of writing actions

  • Portable across OSs
  using: 'node12'
  main: 'index.js'
const core = require('@actions/core');
try {
  const foo = core.getInput('some-input');
  console.log(`Hello ${foo}!`);
} catch (error) {

Reusable workflows

GitHub actions also allows to configure reusable workflows

  • Similar in concept to composite actions, but capture larger operations
    • They can preconfigure matrices
    • Conditional steps are supported
  • Limitation: can’t be used in workflow_dispatch if they have more than 10 parameters
  • Limitation: can’t be used recursively
  • Limitation: changes to the environment variables (env context object) of the caller are not propagated to the callee
  • Limitation: the callee has no implicit access to the caller’s secrets
    • But they can be passed down

Still, the mechanism enables to some extent the creation of libraries of reusable workflows

Defining Reusable workflows

name: ...
  workflow_call: # Trigger when someone calls the workflow
        description: optional description
        default: optional default (otherwise, it is assigned to a previous)
        required: true # Or false, mandatory
        type: string # Mandatory: string, boolean, or number
    secrets: # Secrets are listed separately
        required: true
    ... # It can use a matrix, different OSs, and
    ... # Multiple jobs are okay!

Reusing a workflow

Similar to using an action!

  • uses is applied to the entire job
  • further steps cannot be defined
name: ...
  #any other event
    uses: owner/repository/.github/workflows/build-and-deploy-gradle-project.yml@<tree-ish>
    with: # Pass values for the expected inputs
      deploy-command: ./
    secrets: # Pass down the secrets if needed
      github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

$\Rightarrow$ write workflows, use jobs

Stale builds

  1. Stuff works
  2. Nobody touches it for months
  3. Untouched stuff is now borked!

Ever happenend?

  • Connected to the issue of build reproducibility
    • The higher the build reproducibility, the higher its robustness
  • The default runner configuration may change
  • Some tools may become unavailable
  • Some dependencies may get unavailable

The sooner the issue is known, the better

$\Rightarrow$ Automatically run the build every some time even if nobody touches the project

  • How often? Depends on the project…
  • Warning: GitHub Actions disables cron CI jobs if there is no action on the repository, which makes the mechanism less useful

Additional checks and reportings

There exist a number of recommended services that provide additional QA and reports.

Non exhaustive list:

    • Code coverage
    • Supports Jacoco XML reports
    • Nice data reporting system
  • Sonarcloud
    • Multiple measures, covering reliability, security, maintainability, duplication, complexity…
  • Codacy
    • Automated software QA for several languages
  • Code Factor
    • Automated software QA

High quality FLOSS checklist

The Linux Foundation Core Infrastructure Initiative created a checklist for high quality FLOSS.

CII Best Practices Badge Program

  • Self-certification: no need for bureaucracy
  • Provides a nice TODO list for a high quality product
  • Releases a badge that can be added e.g. to the project homepage

Automated evolution

A full-fledged CI system allows reasonably safe automated evolution of software
At least, in terms of dependency updates

Assuming that you can effectively intercept issues, here is a possible workflow for automatic dependency updates:

  1. Check if there are new updates
  2. Apply the update in a new branch
  3. Open a pull request
  4. Verify if changes break anything
    • If they do, manual intervention is required
  5. Merge (or rebase, or squash)

Automated evolution

Bots performing the aforementioned process for a variety of build systems exist.

They are usually integrated with the repository hosting provider

  • Whitesource Renovate (Multiple)
    • Also updates github actions and Gradle Catalogs
  • Dependabot (Multiple)
  • Gemnasium (Ruby)
  • Greenkeeper (NPM)

Issue and PR templating

Helping humans helping you helping them

Some tasks do require humans:

  • Reporting bugs
  • Explaining the contents of a human-made pull request

However, we may still want these documents to follow a template

  • Remind contributors to enter all the information needed to tackle the issue correctly
    • for instance, instructions on how to reproduce a bug
  • Pre-fill common information
  • Enforce or propose a structure
    • For instance, semantic PR titles

Most Git hosting services allow to specify a template.

Repo templates in GitHub

Templates in GitHub are special files found in the .github folder, written in YAML or Markdown, and stored on the default branch.

The descriptor generates a form that users must fill.

They are available for both issues and pull requests, and share most of the syntax.

Location of templates in GitHub

│    ├── config.yml
│    ├── example.yml
│    └──
     ├── config.yml
     ├── example.yml

Any md or yml file located in .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE is considered as a template for issues

Any md or yml file located in .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE is considered as a template for pull requests

If a single template is necessary, a single .github/ or .github/ file replaces the content of the whole directory

Forms and templates in GitHub

  • Plain markdown documents are used to pre-populate the content of the PR message (templates)
    • A YAML front-matter can be used to specify options
name: 🐞 Bug
about: File a bug/issue
title: '[BUG] <title>'
labels: bug, to-triage
assignees: someone, someoneelse


### Current Behavior:
<!-- A concise description of what you're experiencing. -->

### Expected Behavior:
<!-- A concise description of what you expected to happen. -->

### Steps to reproduce:
1. first do...
2. and then...
  • YAML documents are used to build richer documents as forms
    • YAML documents can be used to build the same forms as markdown ones, with a pre-populated text area
    • They can also be used to build forms with checkboxes and some forms of validation
    • Reference syntax: